You see, for those of you that have read this blog for any length of time, you know that I am a 61 year old retired merchant services rep. I owe my to success to always taking the time to thoroughly educate my merchants on how the credit card processing industry works. I educated on the three main pricing models that exist today and we discussed which was absolutely best for their business. Each program offers benefits differently to each business based on how they typically transact business and what their average ticket is. My huge client base was directly as a result of building mutually rewarding long-term relationships with them.
Did you know that every merchant services provider has the exact same cost basis? It's called Interchange! Do you know what interchange is? Ask any business owner you know personally, or wherever you shop, if they totally understand all the rates and fees they pay for the "privilege" of accepting plastic in their business. I'd venture to say that the majority, if not all, will answer with a resounding "NO".
Well, since I'm no longer active in the field seeking new business, I decided it was time to give back. So, I created a 40 page eBook on the topic of credit card processing. It is so thorough that even new reps to the industry, have used it to get their education. This is precisely the kind of information that your provider doesn't want you to know....for obvious reasons.
Do yourself, and your business friends a favor and send them on over to MY WEBSITE WEBSITE so they can check it out. How often to you get to give a gift (My eBook) that keeps on giving and giving (in reduced costs and increased profits)?