Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Well, spring is approaching and the flowers will be blooming and all the dormant life will be springing back to life…..aaannnddd, if you’re in business, you’re going to start seeing “new life” coming forth in the form of credit card processing reps. Yep, that’s right, especially here in the Midwest and eastern states when the weather warms, even slightly, we see a new hiring frenzy in the merchant services industry.
You see, this industry has the potential to make for a very lucrative career for the successful rep. However, not many people have a burning desire to be out knocking on doors in sub zero temps and slop and slush oozing into their shoes. So, come spring time, we see a lot of adds enticing sales reps to apply. Unfortunately, the way it goes is typically, those that do get hired, receive maybe a half day or so of training, usually done in some hotel conference room. Then the trainer (sales manager) sends them to the street with their “pitch” or "deal-du-jour". They’ll attempt to entice you with what sounds like the lowest rates you’ve ever heard of. If you show even the slightest bit of interest, since they are new, they are encouraged to get the manager on the phone. It’s the typical TO (Turn Over), to the more knowledgeable (maybe???) experienced guy. Their whole motivation is to get you to sign on the spot….DON’T DO IT! Even if what they offer does, on the surface, seem to be a better deal than you are currently paying, take your time to really dig into it before making any decisions.
Usually what happens is that you will see a noticeable increase in sales calls from merchant services reps whether it be thru your door or on the phone. The biggest majority of these “newbies” don’t make it much past a couple months, if that long. It’s a very tough and competitive business and most business owners get so fed up with it that they rarely give any of them the time of day. Consequently, after a while, the faint of heart, or those that have their feelings hurt easily, decide to give up and seek out some other form of employment. They just can’t take all the rejection. Then, the same company will hire and “train” (if you want to call it that) a new batch and send ‘em to the wolves (uh, that would be you...the merchant). I can pretty much guarantee that if you were to simply collect business cards from every one that calls on you, you’ll see numerous different reps from the same company calling on you.
So, what’s the purpose of this article anyway? Well, I guess it’s simply this. I’ve been in this business for a lot of years and, quite frankly, I’m still doing business with merchants that I originally signed up over ten years ago. Why? Because I have demonstrated to them that I am interested in the mutually rewarding long-term relationship, not simply “getting the deal”. That’s what you should be most interested in too. How close of a relationship do you have with your current rep/provider? Do you see them on a fairly regular basis? Have they been willing to answer any questions you have about any of your fees? Are they responsive to you and your needs? If you can answer “Yes” to those questions, then don’t bother looking elsewhere. Every provider out there has the exact same cost basis since all the Interchange Rates are set by Visa and Mastercard. The only difference from one to the other is how much they feel they can make off of you and there is, quite frankly, no controls in the industry….yet, that is. So, if you have a good individual that you are currently working with, make an appointment to sit down with them and go over all your numbers and hey, while you’re at it, ask for a rate reduction. It will be time well spent….I promise you
Another thing that I have always strived to do with my merchants is to work with them to control their costs for accepting plastic in any way we can. In addition, I have also shown them numerous ways to help increase their sales creatively by utilizing gift cards, capturing customer’s emails for future marketing and social media marketing as well, especially of late by using Mobile Text Marketing.
Look, the bottom line here is, spring has sprung and if you’re like most businesses across this great country of ours, you’ll soon be seeing increased traffic and business. Don’t let this seasonal surge in credit card reps distract you from your main focus. Take the time to get a review from your current provider before it gets real busy or, seek me out if you feel that I may be of service to you. I wish you great success in 2011 and beyond. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box a bit going forward
You see, this industry has the potential to make for a very lucrative career for the successful rep. However, not many people have a burning desire to be out knocking on doors in sub zero temps and slop and slush oozing into their shoes. So, come spring time, we see a lot of adds enticing sales reps to apply. Unfortunately, the way it goes is typically, those that do get hired, receive maybe a half day or so of training, usually done in some hotel conference room. Then the trainer (sales manager) sends them to the street with their “pitch” or "deal-du-jour". They’ll attempt to entice you with what sounds like the lowest rates you’ve ever heard of. If you show even the slightest bit of interest, since they are new, they are encouraged to get the manager on the phone. It’s the typical TO (Turn Over), to the more knowledgeable (maybe???) experienced guy. Their whole motivation is to get you to sign on the spot….DON’T DO IT! Even if what they offer does, on the surface, seem to be a better deal than you are currently paying, take your time to really dig into it before making any decisions.
Usually what happens is that you will see a noticeable increase in sales calls from merchant services reps whether it be thru your door or on the phone. The biggest majority of these “newbies” don’t make it much past a couple months, if that long. It’s a very tough and competitive business and most business owners get so fed up with it that they rarely give any of them the time of day. Consequently, after a while, the faint of heart, or those that have their feelings hurt easily, decide to give up and seek out some other form of employment. They just can’t take all the rejection. Then, the same company will hire and “train” (if you want to call it that) a new batch and send ‘em to the wolves (uh, that would be you...the merchant). I can pretty much guarantee that if you were to simply collect business cards from every one that calls on you, you’ll see numerous different reps from the same company calling on you.
So, what’s the purpose of this article anyway? Well, I guess it’s simply this. I’ve been in this business for a lot of years and, quite frankly, I’m still doing business with merchants that I originally signed up over ten years ago. Why? Because I have demonstrated to them that I am interested in the mutually rewarding long-term relationship, not simply “getting the deal”. That’s what you should be most interested in too. How close of a relationship do you have with your current rep/provider? Do you see them on a fairly regular basis? Have they been willing to answer any questions you have about any of your fees? Are they responsive to you and your needs? If you can answer “Yes” to those questions, then don’t bother looking elsewhere. Every provider out there has the exact same cost basis since all the Interchange Rates are set by Visa and Mastercard. The only difference from one to the other is how much they feel they can make off of you and there is, quite frankly, no controls in the industry….yet, that is. So, if you have a good individual that you are currently working with, make an appointment to sit down with them and go over all your numbers and hey, while you’re at it, ask for a rate reduction. It will be time well spent….I promise you
Another thing that I have always strived to do with my merchants is to work with them to control their costs for accepting plastic in any way we can. In addition, I have also shown them numerous ways to help increase their sales creatively by utilizing gift cards, capturing customer’s emails for future marketing and social media marketing as well, especially of late by using Mobile Text Marketing.
Look, the bottom line here is, spring has sprung and if you’re like most businesses across this great country of ours, you’ll soon be seeing increased traffic and business. Don’t let this seasonal surge in credit card reps distract you from your main focus. Take the time to get a review from your current provider before it gets real busy or, seek me out if you feel that I may be of service to you. I wish you great success in 2011 and beyond. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box a bit going forward
Do You Understand Your Merchant Services Statement?
Each month, you receive your monthly credit card processing statement from business transacted during the previous month. Of course, when it comes in the mail, you’re anxious to open it up and see all the money you made, aren’t you? Yah right…if you open it at all, you simply cringe at all the charges that have been taken away from your sales. But hey, it is a privilege you know to accept credit cards and pay all those fees….aren’t you thrilled?
Okay, let’s be honest here for a minute. If you weren’t accepting plastic as payment for the goods and services that you sell, you would most certainly be missing out on potential business. So, with that said, let’s just accept the necessity of it all and move on to better understanding what you’re paying for. How does that sound to you?
When I was active in the field, I found that frequently while marketing my services, merchants would hand me their unopened statements with which to do an analysis for them. When presented with a sealed envelope I would always ask if this was an unusual situation or did they simply never look at them. Unfortunately, the latter answer seemed to be the one most often received. Believe me, I understand why this is so because all too often, these darn things are downright complicated.
All right, let me scold you that fall into this category just a bit here. You absolutely must start opening and, more importantly, understanding, these things immediately. So let me see if I can break them down a bit for you here to make the process a bit easier. Most of them are broken down into several categories as follows:
Typically, this will be on the first page and will be where your provider will alert you to any changes to your statement such as pricing information changes, industry news. To me, this is one of the most important sections to always READ THOROUGHLY. This is especially important in the months just prior to April and October each year. In each of these two months, Visa and MasterCard adjust interchange rates which have a direct impact on your pricing. So, always be sure to be alert and get answers to anything you see posted there.
In this section, you will typically see a total breakdown by card type of the number of transactions and total dollar volume for each. This is a good place to do a quick analysis to see what your average ticket is on plastic. Simply take your total volume divided by the total number of transactions and there you have it.
Not all processors will use the same terminology but, in this section, especially if you are on a tiered pricing structure, you will see a breakdown of total volume/transactions for each tier type like Qualified, Mid-Qualified, Non-Qualified or 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tier pricing. You’ll see the rate and per item fees listed. If you’re in a Cost Plus pricing model, this section will be much longer, and more revealing as it lists each card and transaction type with appropriate fees.
This section could take up numerous pages and really doesn’t warrant a thorough analysis on your part. It is simply a display of your daily batches per terminal and the numbers you see here, should match up with deposits made to your bank within 48 hours of each batch. If you see any descrepancies, contact your provider.
This is the section that gives you a great analysis of what you’re REALLY PAYING for this privilege of accepting credit cards. Here you will find totals for Batch Fees, Debit Access Fees, Statement Fees, Merchant Advantage Fees, Equipment/Supplies Fees, PCI FEES, Monthly Service Fees…..FEES, FEES, FEES (some of which you may not even know what they are for so, ASK THE QUESTIONS). Regardless, take the “Total Fees for all Terminals” number and divide that by the total dollar volume that you did for the month and that will give your “Net Effective Rate”. So, for example, if total fees were $1,157.72 and total volume was $41,700.85, the Net Effective Rate is 2.78%. These, by the way, are actual numbers from a statement that a merchant recently handed me saying, “I doubt you can beat my rate….I’m at 1.51% plus $.25” which, of course, is what his provider focused on when originally selling him on the relationship. As you might imagine, after giving this merchant a thorough education on this industry and customizing a proper pricing strategy for him, you know who he is processing with now.
The bottom line here is that I really want to drive home to you is this….READ AND UNDERSTAND YOUR STATEMENT, MONTHLY. Actually, processors know that a majority of merchants simply don’t take the time to do so and quite frankly use this to their advantage and get more deeply into your pocket. Keep more for you and give less to them. Until next time, I wish you a prosperous 2011.
Okay, let’s be honest here for a minute. If you weren’t accepting plastic as payment for the goods and services that you sell, you would most certainly be missing out on potential business. So, with that said, let’s just accept the necessity of it all and move on to better understanding what you’re paying for. How does that sound to you?
When I was active in the field, I found that frequently while marketing my services, merchants would hand me their unopened statements with which to do an analysis for them. When presented with a sealed envelope I would always ask if this was an unusual situation or did they simply never look at them. Unfortunately, the latter answer seemed to be the one most often received. Believe me, I understand why this is so because all too often, these darn things are downright complicated.
All right, let me scold you that fall into this category just a bit here. You absolutely must start opening and, more importantly, understanding, these things immediately. So let me see if I can break them down a bit for you here to make the process a bit easier. Most of them are broken down into several categories as follows:
Typically, this will be on the first page and will be where your provider will alert you to any changes to your statement such as pricing information changes, industry news. To me, this is one of the most important sections to always READ THOROUGHLY. This is especially important in the months just prior to April and October each year. In each of these two months, Visa and MasterCard adjust interchange rates which have a direct impact on your pricing. So, always be sure to be alert and get answers to anything you see posted there.
In this section, you will typically see a total breakdown by card type of the number of transactions and total dollar volume for each. This is a good place to do a quick analysis to see what your average ticket is on plastic. Simply take your total volume divided by the total number of transactions and there you have it.
Not all processors will use the same terminology but, in this section, especially if you are on a tiered pricing structure, you will see a breakdown of total volume/transactions for each tier type like Qualified, Mid-Qualified, Non-Qualified or 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tier pricing. You’ll see the rate and per item fees listed. If you’re in a Cost Plus pricing model, this section will be much longer, and more revealing as it lists each card and transaction type with appropriate fees.
This section could take up numerous pages and really doesn’t warrant a thorough analysis on your part. It is simply a display of your daily batches per terminal and the numbers you see here, should match up with deposits made to your bank within 48 hours of each batch. If you see any descrepancies, contact your provider.
This is the section that gives you a great analysis of what you’re REALLY PAYING for this privilege of accepting credit cards. Here you will find totals for Batch Fees, Debit Access Fees, Statement Fees, Merchant Advantage Fees, Equipment/Supplies Fees, PCI FEES, Monthly Service Fees…..FEES, FEES, FEES (some of which you may not even know what they are for so, ASK THE QUESTIONS). Regardless, take the “Total Fees for all Terminals” number and divide that by the total dollar volume that you did for the month and that will give your “Net Effective Rate”. So, for example, if total fees were $1,157.72 and total volume was $41,700.85, the Net Effective Rate is 2.78%. These, by the way, are actual numbers from a statement that a merchant recently handed me saying, “I doubt you can beat my rate….I’m at 1.51% plus $.25” which, of course, is what his provider focused on when originally selling him on the relationship. As you might imagine, after giving this merchant a thorough education on this industry and customizing a proper pricing strategy for him, you know who he is processing with now.
The bottom line here is that I really want to drive home to you is this….READ AND UNDERSTAND YOUR STATEMENT, MONTHLY. Actually, processors know that a majority of merchants simply don’t take the time to do so and quite frankly use this to their advantage and get more deeply into your pocket. Keep more for you and give less to them. Until next time, I wish you a prosperous 2011.
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