The subject of credit card processing is not one of the favorites of any merchant. Each month, when they receive their statement in the mail, they cringe at the fees they've had to pay for this "privilege" of accepting credit cards for payment. This blog is meant to provide a more thorough understanding of how the industry works, what makes up the fees that you are paying and how you can improve on them. So, come by often or, better yet, subscribe to the RSS feed below and you'll be notified any time there is an update.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

credit card processing on the internet

If you've got an on-line business, and you desire to accept payment for goods and services via credit and debit cards, there is a right way to do things and a costly way to do things....do you know which is which?

Not only are there various pricing models that can be offered by merchant service providers, but, there are also numerous ways the transactions can actually be run. Do you know the differences?

The purpose of this blog is to get your answers before you decide on a service provider. Maybe you feel like you don't know what questions to ask. That's okay too! All you need to do is tell me what it is you are trying to accomplish and I'll help steer you along the way.
  • You won't get a "sales pitch" from me
  • I won't recommend any service in particular
  • If you want my assistance, and want me to set you up with services, I'll be happy to help to help but honestly, I really don't "need" your business
  • My desire is to help educate the business owners regarding this complicate portion of their business.

So, jump on in and tell me, or ask me what's on your mind.


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