- Discount Rates
- Monthly Service Fees
- Statement Fees
- Batch Total Fees
- PCI/DSS Fees (Data Security)
- Debit Access Fees
- Amex Per Item Fees
- Administrative Fees
- Any other miscellaneous Fees
This comes in real handy when you are getting rate comparisons from different companies. Of course, when someone is trying to lure you away from your current provider, they'll present you with their "best rate" which would typically be for a swiped debit card. Let's just say they tell you that is 1.15% + $.25. At a glance, that may sound pretty good compared to what you think you are currently paying.
So, here's what you absolutely must do. Have the merchant rep from the processing company that is trying to attract your business, give you a complete and thorough comparison of ALL fees as compared to one of your current processing statements. Then, do the math and come up with the Net Effective Rate to see how it stacks up with what you are currently paying. Unfortunately, in this industry, reps are very skilled at telling you just enough to make their proposal "look" like it is better than what it ultimately might really be. After all, the bottom line in all of this stuff is... YOUR BOTTOM LINE! Do the math so you don't take a bath.
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